Terms of Use

Terms of Use of the Dr. Oveis Bagheri Financial and Investment Academy Website
Introduction This page is considered an agreement between users and Dr. Oveis Bagheri Financial and Investment Academy (at the address oveisbagheri.com) and is considered a legal and enforceable contract based on Article 10 of the Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran. All users and individuals who use the site services in any way will be subject to this agreement.

Agreement Confirmation By purchasing any type of product from the website, the user automatically confirms this agreement and there is no need to obtain a physical signature. Any purchase from the site constitutes acceptance of the rules and regulations contained in this page.


Academy: Dr. Oveis Bagheri Financial and Investment Academy with the address oveisbagheri.com through which users can purchase products and services.
Customer (User): A person or company that makes a purchase on the website and pays for a product or service.
Products: Includes all products and digital files available on the Academy website that are purchased online by the customer.
License: A license to use products that is provided to the user by purchasing from the website.
Laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Laws and regulations approved by the Islamic Consultative Assembly or other legal entities.
Support Department: The Academy’s support department that will respond to users’ questions and problems through the ticket system.
Subject of the site’s activity The Academy site operates in the field of financial services, investments, and training related to financial markets and is subject to the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

User Account and Privacy
Membership on the website is completely free, and registration on the site requires a complete study of the rules and regulations of this page.
Each user will register on the website using their personal information. The Academy is not responsible for providing incorrect information.
User information will be kept confidential by the Academy and we are obligated to maintain information security.
Any sale or publication of Academy products on other sites and social networks is prohibited.

Intellectual property and content
Any copying or use of the site content without permission is prohibited and will be pursued legally if observed.
The Academy has the right to change and update the site content and this action does not create a right to object to users.
Product usage license
Each product can only be installed on one website.
It is not possible to use a shared license on subdomains.
Product support
Product support is provided through the support system available in the user panel.
The Academy will not be responsible for product compatibility problems with other plugins and templates.

Money back guarantee
The money back guarantee is valid for 7 days after purchasing the product.
Courses also have a 7-day money-back guarantee, provided that the user has not watched more than 20% of a chapter.
Force Majeure Users are required to download purchased files so that they have access to them in the event of force majeure.

Changes to the Agreement The Academy reserves the right to change and edit this Agreement. The date of the last changes to this Agreement will be announced at the time of publication.

By using the services of Dr. Ovais Bagheri Finance and Investment Academy, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.